Ever since I was young, I’ve had a passion for programming, first picking up the interest playing Minecraft and getting into the modding scene, it didn’t take me long to start wanting to create these things myself, so I started making small games using the Scratch game engine, they weren’t much but it helped me learn the foundations of algorithms.
Picking up the Unity 3D Engine at 12 I created my first full project, a Breakout clone, which is still playable to this day, however since it is flash based you will need to use a legacy version of internet explorer.
It wasn’t much of a looker, but it worked, and it was a big step towards where I am today.
I spent many years honing my skills in the Unity 3D Engine until I discovered HTML. It piqued my interest almost instantly, being able to perfectly display my creative side using CSS and JavaScript. I quickly fell in love with creating beautiful webpages, lush with animations, storing data using MYSQL databases, and quickly serving it using AJAX.