About Me - Active Admin

About Me

Ever since I was young, I’ve had a passion for programming, first picking up the interest playing Minecraft and getting into the modding scene, it didn’t take me long to start wanting to create these things myself, so I started making small games using the Scratch game engine, they weren’t much but it helped me learn the foundations of algorithms.

School report 2017
Breakout clone made by Jacob Smith, Active Admin

Picking up the Unity 3D Engine at 12 I created my first full project, a Breakout clone, which is still playable to this day, however since it is flash based you will need to use a legacy version of internet explorer.

It wasn’t much of a looker, but it worked, and it was a big step towards where I am today.

JavaScript Function

I spent many years honing my skills in the Unity 3D Engine until I discovered HTML. It piqued my interest almost instantly, being able to perfectly display my creative side using CSS and JavaScript. I quickly fell in love with creating beautiful webpages, lush with animations, storing data using MYSQL databases, and quickly serving it using AJAX.

E6 Composites Website

At 19 I started my first company, Active Admin LTD, creating websites and web apps. My first project was the website for E6 Composites, which was designed at customer specification.

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